There are so many little things I would like to touch on.
1. Immigration
2. Used video games
3. Football
There are some others but now isn't the time.
First of all, immigration; I cannot fathom how it is any kind of good idea to let people who came in illegally to magically become citizens. And if I were someone who immigrated legally I would be infuriated. I mean these people came over here and already broke the law. So we want to reward criminals? I realize that some had good intentions, probably not many, most just came to leech, sure they may need help, but the way they went about it deserves nothing. Right off the bat these people are takers, which is why I think the democrats love the idea of making them citizens. It really boils down to this, the democrat politicians rely heavily on worthless and lazy people who have no chance in society without government assistance, handouts, etc.
I'm sorry but Romney was totally right when he said that 47% will never vote against democrats because they are dependent on the government. Its sad, IT IS TRUE, and it makes me sick.
The other 4% needed are some other kind of incompetent, who are too idealistic, immoral, and some kind of stupid.
Please anyone post some type of logical argument in favor of this amnesty proposal.
Now for a less serious idea. The companies that make video games want to make it impossible to buy used video games. Lets consider this, how do you feel about buying a 30,000 car you can never sell, I bet you would think about it twice. 30,000 you can never get any of it back, you are essentially stuck with it forever or throw it away. Most video game consumers consider $60 for a video game to be very expensive. And this reflects in lower tier games not being purchased, and the company that made those games don't recoup their investment, and many publishers have gone out of business, not for just this reason but it is a factor. So if you can't resell a game it will prevent even less people from purchasing games that they otherwise might give a chance. And there are a lot of people who flat out do not buy new games at least not until they have been out for a while and seen a significant price drop. I have 26 games in my PS3 collection I have purchased only 6 near full retail value and only 5 used all the rest I bought after they were severely discounted, but I guarantee you that if I did not get the 5 used games I would not have spent more for them, someone got money for them that they probably spent on another game, gamestop got money from it which helps people and the money I saved probably helped me justify buying one of the 6 games I got at near full retail value. I don't see how keeping people from buying games helps anyone and predict it will hurt everyone.
Right now I can get a NEW copy of Mass Effect 3 cheaper at Sam's club than used at Gamestop.
Finally I want to talk about Obama and football; The NFL is a capable entity, it is perfectly capable of regulating itself and must face it's own legal ramifications. The government has far too many problems right now that to worry about something that is not broken. If he is successful in changing the game well, the fans will abandon the NFL and start a new league simple as that, and if the government tries to force change will that is Tyranny and real Americans will not stand for it. The Government's job is clearly defined and most of the regulations it is attempting are not its job.
Stop wasting time on football and balance the budget.
Libertarians must really hate democrats they are always sticking their noses where they don't belong, just like the Nazis!
1. Immigration
2. Used video games
3. Football
There are some others but now isn't the time.
First of all, immigration; I cannot fathom how it is any kind of good idea to let people who came in illegally to magically become citizens. And if I were someone who immigrated legally I would be infuriated. I mean these people came over here and already broke the law. So we want to reward criminals? I realize that some had good intentions, probably not many, most just came to leech, sure they may need help, but the way they went about it deserves nothing. Right off the bat these people are takers, which is why I think the democrats love the idea of making them citizens. It really boils down to this, the democrat politicians rely heavily on worthless and lazy people who have no chance in society without government assistance, handouts, etc.
I'm sorry but Romney was totally right when he said that 47% will never vote against democrats because they are dependent on the government. Its sad, IT IS TRUE, and it makes me sick.
The other 4% needed are some other kind of incompetent, who are too idealistic, immoral, and some kind of stupid.
Please anyone post some type of logical argument in favor of this amnesty proposal.
Now for a less serious idea. The companies that make video games want to make it impossible to buy used video games. Lets consider this, how do you feel about buying a 30,000 car you can never sell, I bet you would think about it twice. 30,000 you can never get any of it back, you are essentially stuck with it forever or throw it away. Most video game consumers consider $60 for a video game to be very expensive. And this reflects in lower tier games not being purchased, and the company that made those games don't recoup their investment, and many publishers have gone out of business, not for just this reason but it is a factor. So if you can't resell a game it will prevent even less people from purchasing games that they otherwise might give a chance. And there are a lot of people who flat out do not buy new games at least not until they have been out for a while and seen a significant price drop. I have 26 games in my PS3 collection I have purchased only 6 near full retail value and only 5 used all the rest I bought after they were severely discounted, but I guarantee you that if I did not get the 5 used games I would not have spent more for them, someone got money for them that they probably spent on another game, gamestop got money from it which helps people and the money I saved probably helped me justify buying one of the 6 games I got at near full retail value. I don't see how keeping people from buying games helps anyone and predict it will hurt everyone.
Right now I can get a NEW copy of Mass Effect 3 cheaper at Sam's club than used at Gamestop.
Finally I want to talk about Obama and football; The NFL is a capable entity, it is perfectly capable of regulating itself and must face it's own legal ramifications. The government has far too many problems right now that to worry about something that is not broken. If he is successful in changing the game well, the fans will abandon the NFL and start a new league simple as that, and if the government tries to force change will that is Tyranny and real Americans will not stand for it. The Government's job is clearly defined and most of the regulations it is attempting are not its job.
Stop wasting time on football and balance the budget.
Libertarians must really hate democrats they are always sticking their noses where they don't belong, just like the Nazis!
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