Friday, September 21, 2012

Another Poem, My Teacher Hates Me

My teacher hates me

First day of class,           a paper is passed
I fill it out,                      with no reason to doubt
So many things to say,   Then it is taken away
Later on a shock, from what my teacher has said,
            In un-exact words she wishes all Novelists dead
My mind spins,               She continues and cheerfully grins
What have I done?,        That she hates me a ton
I took poetry class to become a better writer,
            I don’t want to pick sides or be a fighter
Poems are good, and books are nice
            I ignored and forgot it, until she said it twice
Why is it wrong to tell a story?
            Of heroes and swords, kingdoms and glory
Or haunted houses filled with spirits
            But they are only fiction, no reason to fear it
On the third time I’ve become inspired
            For school I write this, at work I could get fired
But if failure on my poem is bestowed
            Is it from discrimination or has it been earned and owed
And like wise for a grade of A or passing
            Did I deserve it, or is it because of the content, her, reacting?

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