Hi I am Shane,
It seems that over the last couple years I have been hearing a lot about identity and "who you are" based on titles. Right now with the election just around the corner the seemingly most important aspect of who people are is their political affiliation.
There are two main aspects that I am going to cover in this post, they are what I believe politically and why, and the general subject of labeling. This could potentially hurt me more than help, that is only if what people thought of me mattered; but the truth is that it shouldn't except for a small percentage of people who would be so different than me they would be borderline(or beyond) extremest or legitimately clinically insane.(a little redundant but I wanted to make sure that you knew I was explicitly referring to people who are diagnosed by doctors.(I guess I could have just said that,... changed it and erased all this, but that's no fun and this is my blog.)
Who I am, no better, what labels I want to place on myself:
An author, I want to be known as an author, I want to be able to say I am an author, have proof/evidence, and I want to eliminate the ability for people to argue against that.
A Christian, "wait," my christian friends maybe saying, "That should be first on your list," I agree, it should be, and I want it to be first on my list, however to put it first on my list would be dishonest both by my true(only current) aspirations, and actions so if having it first makes me less of a christian, then having it second makes it closer to belonging first where I want it to be.(save the fake it till you make it).
I think the third thing that I want to be right now is a good husband. I spent a bit thinking about how I wanted to word this part, and I went back and forth about it and this is what I decided. "but Shane you aren't married" I know and while I don't think I necessarily have to accomplish this goal before I get married, I think I at least have to begin striving towards the goal before I should. Quick note for accomplishing this one, I think that if I am successful at the two titles above it(especially number two) I will be well on my way to being successful in this one.
On to some titles others use: Democrat, Bulldog, Republican, Trekkie, Libertarian, Socialist, White, Black, Racist, Muslim, Catholic, Baptist, Shintoist(?), Gator, Yankee, Gay, Historian, Harvard Grad, Drunk, Chinese, Heterosexual, Philanthropist Dentist, Reformist, Gangster, Handicapped, Jesuit, Aggie, Realist, European, King, Prince, Entertainer, Lover, Reader, Gun Slinger, Dish Washer, Realtor, Patron, Trojan, Asian, Spanish, Latino, Cuban, Mixed, Feminist, Nazi, Control Freak, Apathetic....on and on it could go(don't read in the order or titles I chose).
So what spurred all this? Well a friend posted an article "Why I am a Christian Democrat"
Nothing I read was new, I've heard it all before, from all sides for and against. But I have been thinking about labels recently, additionally I recently had a facebook argument with someone I didn't know(it was on a mutual friends wall) that actually changed my stance on a political subject, well it didn't change it technically but more on that later. Long story short I want to write something here that compels people to think a little, analyze why they really believe the way they do and ultimately going from being so stubborn/hardheaded/foolish to being a little more sincere and a lot less prideful(thinking that their way is the only way and they must be right)
What I believe in politically:
I was(Still am just don't feel like changing it) a registered Republican(I want to vote in primaries) My mom is a Registered Republican My Grandparents all are, I don't know if my dad is registered or not but I think that if he were it would be Republican he voted for Bush Sr. in 88, or 92, and G. W. in 00 or 04 (pay close attention to the ors,)
However I have thoroughly distanced myself from calling myself a Republican, They just don't stand for what I believe in(enough) I feel like I relate closest with the CDU/SDU of Germany.
On the subject of (drum roll please) Health care...
This is a big one, I strongly believe that the government has no right to force me to have healthcare in any form or that anyone should pay for mine or that I should pay for anyone else's. Why?, individual rights that the government"s place is not to interfere in my personal life as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else(very libertarian ideal) the democrat argues(but it does hurt society and if you can pay for it now you create a bigger burden, I understand that there are a lot of people who are a burden on society, they are already on welfare, and if the current more liberal system for hospitals and health providers were not in place healthcare would be affordable for me to where I would not be a burden.) Also I believe that the bigger the government the worse it is (very republican ideal) The democrat argues that it is necessary to enforce and mandate/regulate the healthcare, I respond that the government is corrupt, inefficient and does not have the right to (en)force
or mandate that I have healthcare.
The environment:
I feel that the liberal point of view is the most uniformed and follows the most blindly, so you would probably be surprised that I line up almost completely on the liberal side of this subject.
I believe in efficiency, that translate into fuel efficiency, I believe we need to stem our dependency on fossil fuels, I hate wastefulness which means I will out recycle even the greenest of people, I love the beauty of nature, I hate extinction, and pollution.
Did you know that, The eruption(explosion) of Mt. St. Helens produced more pollution of any type, with the exception of radiation, but including greenhouse, than the combined entire existence of the human race. but that doesn't give us the right to just keep making it worse. There are Islands(that were inhabited) on Viking maps that are now completely covered by ice, but at the same time, lands, cities, speculated civilizations, that are covered by oceans from rising sea levels, so it is a natural cycle that the Earth goes through, but I also see the evidence that humans are affecting climate change in a negative way(I feel that "green" people exaggerate it but I still want to prevent it.) We need to do the best job at taking care of the planet that we can, why I am against drilling in Alaska, and pro the mandate that we have to use a specific type of brown coal for electricity, when most of ours are in protected areas (very complicated subject and a decision you probably haven't heard of) because that forces us to use other countries supplies of it, meaning they run out and America still has some. Republicans complain about the debt our children are going to inherit, what about the planet they are going to inherit?
Next subject chosen by way of lottery ball:
Voter ID's
This is the subject that a friend posted a facebook status about and I argued with someone I didn't know, over the course of twenty-four hours. I was hard-lined you must show a valid ID, because of voter fraud, illegals and people who don't have the right voting. My reasoning is that you have to provide ID and jump through much more complicated hoops to purchase a gun so why not voting which affects everyone. They argued that the amount of voter fraud is minimal(they provided websites(liberal ones so of course they skew the information in their favor) I did my own research and ultimately found nothing one way or the other I found compelling) and that it is too difficult for elderly and that in some places there people who try and make it difficult for people to register and then vote. (This is where I say something that is going to really make people mad, but it is the truth) I personally do not feel that providing an ID is difficult, I know of people with Down-syndrome with ID's and there are so many "initiatives" to get people registered to vote it is nearly as easy to get people ID's. I hate I hate I hate, the idea that people who don't have the right to vote do and honestly it does not bother me that people who are too lazy to get, or even bring, an ID would not be allowed to vote. The evidence that people are so disenfranchised and incapable of getting an ID just is not there and the truth is that it mainly affects people who are ideologically opposite of me making the opposing argument carry less weight.(you hate me because I'm honest but if the truth is that Democrats want to keep tabs on everyone and regulate everything so if it were Republicans having difficulties with ID's you better believe the Democrats would have laws in place requiring two forms of ID's and a birth certificate.)
So this is the one that (changed) my stance, and how did it (change?) Before I would have physically fought someone on the subject, but after hearing their side, thinking about it, doing research, thinking about it some more, I decided that it just isn't worth it, as much as I hate the idea of evil people rigging elections(election fraud happens a lot but voter fraud is not the same and both sides have voter fraud(documented, it is real)) with voter fraud, the opposing position was good enough that I do not want to infringe on a voter's rights. Am I still pro-ID? YES. Am I zealous? NO. So would I support requiring ID? Yes. would it bother me if it failed? No!(that is as long as the current trends stay the same, based on the information that I found.)
I have soooo much more to write, but I think I have to split into two posts, please comment, I may reply and actually if you would like you can choose the order/subjects of the next political subjects. Or you may want clarification or more details.
To be continued
It seems that over the last couple years I have been hearing a lot about identity and "who you are" based on titles. Right now with the election just around the corner the seemingly most important aspect of who people are is their political affiliation.
There are two main aspects that I am going to cover in this post, they are what I believe politically and why, and the general subject of labeling. This could potentially hurt me more than help, that is only if what people thought of me mattered; but the truth is that it shouldn't except for a small percentage of people who would be so different than me they would be borderline(or beyond) extremest or legitimately clinically insane.(a little redundant but I wanted to make sure that you knew I was explicitly referring to people who are diagnosed by doctors.(I guess I could have just said that,... changed it and erased all this, but that's no fun and this is my blog.)
Who I am, no better, what labels I want to place on myself:
An author, I want to be known as an author, I want to be able to say I am an author, have proof/evidence, and I want to eliminate the ability for people to argue against that.
A Christian, "wait," my christian friends maybe saying, "That should be first on your list," I agree, it should be, and I want it to be first on my list, however to put it first on my list would be dishonest both by my true(only current) aspirations, and actions so if having it first makes me less of a christian, then having it second makes it closer to belonging first where I want it to be.(save the fake it till you make it).
I think the third thing that I want to be right now is a good husband. I spent a bit thinking about how I wanted to word this part, and I went back and forth about it and this is what I decided. "but Shane you aren't married" I know and while I don't think I necessarily have to accomplish this goal before I get married, I think I at least have to begin striving towards the goal before I should. Quick note for accomplishing this one, I think that if I am successful at the two titles above it(especially number two) I will be well on my way to being successful in this one.
On to some titles others use: Democrat, Bulldog, Republican, Trekkie, Libertarian, Socialist, White, Black, Racist, Muslim, Catholic, Baptist, Shintoist(?), Gator, Yankee, Gay, Historian, Harvard Grad, Drunk, Chinese, Heterosexual, Philanthropist Dentist, Reformist, Gangster, Handicapped, Jesuit, Aggie, Realist, European, King, Prince, Entertainer, Lover, Reader, Gun Slinger, Dish Washer, Realtor, Patron, Trojan, Asian, Spanish, Latino, Cuban, Mixed, Feminist, Nazi, Control Freak, Apathetic....on and on it could go(don't read in the order or titles I chose).
So what spurred all this? Well a friend posted an article "Why I am a Christian Democrat"
Nothing I read was new, I've heard it all before, from all sides for and against. But I have been thinking about labels recently, additionally I recently had a facebook argument with someone I didn't know(it was on a mutual friends wall) that actually changed my stance on a political subject, well it didn't change it technically but more on that later. Long story short I want to write something here that compels people to think a little, analyze why they really believe the way they do and ultimately going from being so stubborn/hardheaded/foolish to being a little more sincere and a lot less prideful(thinking that their way is the only way and they must be right)
What I believe in politically:
I was(Still am just don't feel like changing it) a registered Republican(I want to vote in primaries) My mom is a Registered Republican My Grandparents all are, I don't know if my dad is registered or not but I think that if he were it would be Republican he voted for Bush Sr. in 88, or 92, and G. W. in 00 or 04 (pay close attention to the ors,)
However I have thoroughly distanced myself from calling myself a Republican, They just don't stand for what I believe in(enough) I feel like I relate closest with the CDU/SDU of Germany.
On the subject of (drum roll please) Health care...
This is a big one, I strongly believe that the government has no right to force me to have healthcare in any form or that anyone should pay for mine or that I should pay for anyone else's. Why?, individual rights that the government"s place is not to interfere in my personal life as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else(very libertarian ideal) the democrat argues(but it does hurt society and if you can pay for it now you create a bigger burden, I understand that there are a lot of people who are a burden on society, they are already on welfare, and if the current more liberal system for hospitals and health providers were not in place healthcare would be affordable for me to where I would not be a burden.) Also I believe that the bigger the government the worse it is (very republican ideal) The democrat argues that it is necessary to enforce and mandate/regulate the healthcare, I respond that the government is corrupt, inefficient and does not have the right to (en)force
or mandate that I have healthcare.
The environment:
I feel that the liberal point of view is the most uniformed and follows the most blindly, so you would probably be surprised that I line up almost completely on the liberal side of this subject.
I believe in efficiency, that translate into fuel efficiency, I believe we need to stem our dependency on fossil fuels, I hate wastefulness which means I will out recycle even the greenest of people, I love the beauty of nature, I hate extinction, and pollution.
Did you know that, The eruption(explosion) of Mt. St. Helens produced more pollution of any type, with the exception of radiation, but including greenhouse, than the combined entire existence of the human race. but that doesn't give us the right to just keep making it worse. There are Islands(that were inhabited) on Viking maps that are now completely covered by ice, but at the same time, lands, cities, speculated civilizations, that are covered by oceans from rising sea levels, so it is a natural cycle that the Earth goes through, but I also see the evidence that humans are affecting climate change in a negative way(I feel that "green" people exaggerate it but I still want to prevent it.) We need to do the best job at taking care of the planet that we can, why I am against drilling in Alaska, and pro the mandate that we have to use a specific type of brown coal for electricity, when most of ours are in protected areas (very complicated subject and a decision you probably haven't heard of) because that forces us to use other countries supplies of it, meaning they run out and America still has some. Republicans complain about the debt our children are going to inherit, what about the planet they are going to inherit?
Next subject chosen by way of lottery ball:
Voter ID's
This is the subject that a friend posted a facebook status about and I argued with someone I didn't know, over the course of twenty-four hours. I was hard-lined you must show a valid ID, because of voter fraud, illegals and people who don't have the right voting. My reasoning is that you have to provide ID and jump through much more complicated hoops to purchase a gun so why not voting which affects everyone. They argued that the amount of voter fraud is minimal(they provided websites(liberal ones so of course they skew the information in their favor) I did my own research and ultimately found nothing one way or the other I found compelling) and that it is too difficult for elderly and that in some places there people who try and make it difficult for people to register and then vote. (This is where I say something that is going to really make people mad, but it is the truth) I personally do not feel that providing an ID is difficult, I know of people with Down-syndrome with ID's and there are so many "initiatives" to get people registered to vote it is nearly as easy to get people ID's. I hate I hate I hate, the idea that people who don't have the right to vote do and honestly it does not bother me that people who are too lazy to get, or even bring, an ID would not be allowed to vote. The evidence that people are so disenfranchised and incapable of getting an ID just is not there and the truth is that it mainly affects people who are ideologically opposite of me making the opposing argument carry less weight.(you hate me because I'm honest but if the truth is that Democrats want to keep tabs on everyone and regulate everything so if it were Republicans having difficulties with ID's you better believe the Democrats would have laws in place requiring two forms of ID's and a birth certificate.)
So this is the one that (changed) my stance, and how did it (change?) Before I would have physically fought someone on the subject, but after hearing their side, thinking about it, doing research, thinking about it some more, I decided that it just isn't worth it, as much as I hate the idea of evil people rigging elections(election fraud happens a lot but voter fraud is not the same and both sides have voter fraud(documented, it is real)) with voter fraud, the opposing position was good enough that I do not want to infringe on a voter's rights. Am I still pro-ID? YES. Am I zealous? NO. So would I support requiring ID? Yes. would it bother me if it failed? No!(that is as long as the current trends stay the same, based on the information that I found.)
I have soooo much more to write, but I think I have to split into two posts, please comment, I may reply and actually if you would like you can choose the order/subjects of the next political subjects. Or you may want clarification or more details.
To be continued
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